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Committee Chairs are appointed by the President at the beginning of their term.  Please note that a typical pathway to leadership starts by joining a SNO Annual Meeting Abstract Review Committee. Members interested in participating in the Abstract Review Committee may send their current CV to the SNO office by contacting [email protected].  

  • SNO Annual Meeting Committee

    Mission: The Annual Meeting Committee supervises and coordinates all aspects of the next SNO Scientific Meeting and Education Day.
    Membership: The Scientific Program Chair, Education Day Chair, the immediate past Chairs of the Annual Meeting Committee and other members representing each of the SNO specialty areas. Ex officio: SNO President, Executive Director and the Chief Administrative Officer. 
    2024 Scientific Meeting Co-Chairs: Michelle Monje, Humsa Venkatesh, Erik Sulman, Howard Colman
    Track Leader:  Shawn Hervey-Jumper, Maciej Mrugala, Eudocia Lee
    Education Day Co-Chairs: Stephen Bagley, Lindsay Kilburn, Joanna Phillips, Sanda Alexandrescu, Jason Huse, Monica Venere

    Two face-to-face meetings. Conference calls as needed.

  • SNO Audit Committee

    Mission: The Audit Committee has the responsibility of overseeing annual internal audit of the Society’s financial affairs, and conveying the audit to the President and the Board, who may approve review of the audit by external committees as needed. The committee shall also advise and make recommendations to the Board of Directors based on findings of such audits. The Audit Committee members shall serve a two-year term and such term may be renewable at the discretion of the President. 
    Membership: The Audit Committee Chair, SNO Vice President and the Secretary-Treasurer. Ex officio: SNO President, Executive Director and the Chief Administrative Officer.

    Two face-to-face meetings. Conference calls as needed.

  • SNO Awards Committee

    Mission: The Awards Committee develops criteria for all SNO meeting awards, annually reviews meeting award candidates, and forwards to the Board a list of awards and award recipients to be honored at the Annual Meeting.
    Membership: The Awards Committee Chair, the Scientific Program Chair(s) and other members as appointed by the SNO President.  Ex officio: SNO President and Executive Director. 
    Co-Chairs: Eva Galanis, Tracy Batchelor, Michelle Monje, Humsa Venkatesh, Erik Sulman, Howard Colman


    Two face-to-face meetings. Conference calls as needed.

  • SNO Bylaws Committee

    Mission: The Bylaws Committee reviews the Bylaws annually and makes recommendations for revision as necessary. Members of this committee shall review any proposed changes and advise the Board of Directors on proposed revisions. 
    Membership: The Bylaws Committee Chair, and two other members as appointed by the President.  Ex officio: SNO President, Executive Director, Chief Administrative Officer, and the Secretary/Treasurer. 

    Two face-to-face meetings. Conference calls as needed.

  • SNO Career Development and Training Committee

    Mission: The Career Development and Training Committee is responsible for developing and applying codes of conduct for fellowship programs, developing and applying codes of conduct for residents, developing match participation agreements, and other actions as necessary to ensure the operations of an effective fellowship matching program.  The Career Development and Training Committee members shall serve a two-year term and such term may be renewable at the discretion of the President. 
    Co-Chairs: Katherine Peters, Shiao-Pei Weathers

    Two face-to-face meetings. Conference calls as needed.

  • SNO Communications Committee

    Mission: The Communications Committee is responsible for the news section of the Society’s official journal and the Society’s newsletter, and has the responsibility of advising the Board of Directors on the Society’s internal and external communications.  
    Membership: The Communications Committee Chair(s) and other members as appointed by the President. Ex officio: SNO President, Executive Director, the Chief Administrative Officer, and the Secretary/Treasurer. 
    Co-Chairs: Iyad Alnahhas, Nancy Wang, Holly Lindsay, Hesham Elhalawani

    Two face-to-face meetings. Conference calls as needed.

  • SNO Community Neuro-Oncology Committee

    Mission: The Community Neuro-Oncology committee plays an important role in positioning SNO as an educational resource for community practitioners and contributes to greater clinical trial engagement between academic and regional brain tumor centers.
    Membership: The Community Neuro-Oncology Chair(s) and other members as appointed by the President. Ex officio: SNO President, Executive Director and the Director of Administration.
    Co-Chairs: Christine Lu-Emerson, Sajeel Chowdhary, Erin Dunbar


    Two face-to-face meetings. Conference calls as needed.

  • SNO Diversity and Women in Neuro-Oncology Committee 

    Mission: Diversity and Women in Neuro-Oncology committee shall recommend to the Board initiatives and programs that contribute to the advancement of the careers of women and underrepresented members of SNO. 
    Membership: The Diversity and Women in Neuro-Oncology Committee Chair(s) and other members as required
    Co-Chairs: Mariza Daras, Ekokobe Fonkem, Joshua Budhu

    Two face-to-face meetings. Conference calls as needed.

  • SNO External Relations Committee

    Mission: The External Relations Committee shall evaluate and provide guidance to the Board regarding initiatives and programs between SNO and external organizations such as sister membership societies, nonprofit associations and continuing medical education providers. 
    Membership: The External Relations Committee Chair(s)
    Co-Chairs: Alissa Thomas, Steve Braunstein

    Two face-to-face meetings. Conference calls as needed.

  • SNO Future Sites Committee

    Mission: The Future Site Committee reviews potential sites and hotel proposals for future meetings, evaluates size and appropriateness of meeting space, availability and quality of sleeping rooms, proposed room rates, and recommends to the Board the most appropriate venue. 
    Membership: The Communications Committee Chair(s) and other members as appointed by the President. Ex officio: SNO President, Executive Director and the Director of Administration.  
    Co-Chairs: Temporarily Inactive 

    Two face-to-face meetings. Conference calls as needed.

  • SNO Guidelines and Reported Outcomes Committee

    Mission: The Guidelines and Reported Outcomes Committee is responsible for the evaluation of internally and externally produced clinical practice guidelines of potential relevance to neuro-oncology practice and recommending approval or revisions before consideration by the Board. 
    Membership: The Guidelines and Reported Outcomes Committee Chair(s), the Secretary/Treasurer (ex officio) and other members as appointed by the President.  Ex officio: SNO President, Executive Director and the Chief Administrative Officer.
    Co-Chairs: Manmeet Ahluwalia, Nic Butowski, Jordan Hill, Matthias Holdhoff, Mustafa Khasraw, Tobias Walbert, Torunn Yock 

    Two face-to-face meetings. Conference calls as needed.

  • SNO International Outreach Committee

    Mission: The International Outreach committee has the responsibility of advising and making recommendations to the Board of Directors on international affairs, promoting international membership, and develops the criteria and review candidates for SNO international outreach travel grants and fellowships. 
    Membership: The Chair(s) of the International Outreach Committee and other representative international members recommended by the Chair or President. Ex officio: SNO President, Executive Director and the Chief Administrative Officer.
    Co-Chairs: Mary Jane Lim Fat, Marta Penas-Prado, Biplap Dasgupta, Shyam Tanguturi

    Two face-to-face meetings. Conference calls as needed.

  • SNO Membership Committee

    Mission: The Membership Committee makes recommendations to the Board of Directors concerning efforts to promote and increase membership in Society.  The committee also reviews and votes on all applicants for membership and may evaluate a member's professional conduct as requested by a majority of the Board of Directors. 
    Membership: The Membership Committee Chair and SNO members as appointed by the President.  Ex officio: SNO President, Executive Director and the Membership Manager. 
    Co-Chairs: Oluwatosin Akintola, Vyshak Alva Venur, Derek Wainwright


    Two face-to-face meetings. Conference calls as needed.

  • SNO Public Policy Committee

    Mission: The SNO Public Policy Committee shall advise the Board on legislative, regulatory and advocacy issues that may impact or be of interest to the SNO membership. The committee shall evaluate and recommend official position statements and act as a conduit for enquiries of a public policy nature from external constituencies. 
    Membership: The Public Policy Committee Chair, Chair, the Secretary/Treasurer (ex officio) and other members as appointed by the president. Ex officio: SNO President, Executive Director, Chief Administrative Officer.
    Co-Chairs: John de Groot, Michael Lim, Rif Rahman, Solmaz Sahebjam 

    Two face-to-face meetings. Conference calls as needed.

  • SNO Wellness Committee

    Mission: The Wellness Committee shall have the responsibility of recommending initiatives and programs to the Board of Directors that contribute to the improvement in wellness and work/life balance amongst the SNO membership. 
    Members: The Wellness Committee Chair(s) and other members as required.
    Co-Chairs: Ugo Chukwueke, Nicolas Gonzalez Castro, Raj Mukherjee, Ashley Aaroe

    Two face-to-face meetings. Conference calls as needed.

  • SNO Young Investigators Committee

    Mission: The Young Investigators Committee has the responsibility of advising the Board of Directors on issues pertaining to graduate students, residents, fellows and members within the first five years of their initial clinical or academic appointment. The Young Investigators Committee shall also have the responsibility of coordinating the SNO Grant Review initiative. 
    Membership: The Young Investigators Committee shall consist of the Young Investigators Committee Chair and other members as appointed by the President.  Ex officio: SNO President, Executive Director and the Chief Administrative Officer. 
    Co-Chairs: Alireza Mansouri, Jasia Mahdi, Jacob Young


    Two face-to-face meetings. Conference calls as needed.